Saturday, May 23, 2015

Raising Money for College


I know that its been a while since I've written a post and I so figured that now is as good a time as any.  Its almost summer for me and I can't wait!  I have some big adventures planned for summer with my family.

First,  I'm visiting LA in June for my cousin's college graduation.  Then My family and I are moving to Texas (its going to be a new adventure!).  I'm also tagging along with my mom on her business trip so that means a week in New Orleans.  I've never been and am really excited.  Then just a short time after that, I'm off to college!

In case you didn't know, I am at the moment a senior in high school.  Just a week and a half left before I graduate.  I have been accepted to and will be attending the University of Alabama in the fall (can I get a Roll Tide!).  Its going to be an exciting adventure for me! I am looking forward to what college has to offer.

Since I'm an out of state student so my cost of attendance is a bit higher.  I've been working hard to save up enough money to attend.  I have recently created a account to help raise the money and I could use the help of my readers.  I'm trying to raise $12000 which is only a small portion of my cost. As it is, I'm going to have  to get some student loans to help cover the cost.  Now why am I telling you this? Well I could use your help! Bellow is the link to my GoFundMe campaign and it would mean so much to me if you would help donate.

Anything and everything is a big help!

The more money I raise, the less I will have to work in college and can spend more time studying and keeping my grades up.  I maintain a 3.7 GPA and am very involved in my high school.  These are things I plan on continuing in college but can't d it without your help.

Thank you for your time and hopefully, for your donation!


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